18 thoughts on “Garlic Basil Kale Poached Eggs Toast with Tahini Lemon Dressing

  1. Oh, no, I hope Nigel gets better. You certainly made a beautiful breakfast for yourself and therefore things are certain to get back on track. Tahini lemon dressing is one of my favorite all time salad dressings, what a fabulous idea to top your benedict with!


    • Thank you! He is ok now and home, thankfully. Oh my gosh I’d never had tahini lemon dressing before, but I am obsessed with putting it on everything now! ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. THIS LOOKS SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I just had a bachelorette weekend myself, except I popped some popcorn and called it a day, you did much better!!!!!! YUMMMM!!!!!!!!


  3. Yummm poached eggs over kale is one of my favorite combinations ever (though I usually have it over rice instead of bread…). This looks amazing and now I want this for breakfast. Your tahini dressing sounds lovely, too — the nutritional yeast is a nice touch!


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